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Unexpected Changes, Mercury Rx

Emotionally you may feel restrained and you may have some issues in your relationships. Do not let your indifference lean towards insensitive when it is more difficult to relate to others. Don't make any rash decisions this week. You may want a break from your current routine and start avoiding those you feel are boring or mundane. Use that extra boost of energy to get out and about. Try not to be jealous or possessive with friends or lover because they need their freedom as much as you do.

Sun sextile natal Jupiter puts Luck in your stars right now! This can be a useful aid in your activities and manifesting. Everything should work out as planned. It is a good time to be with friends and be involved in group activities. With Mercury in retrograde it is also a good time for self-reflection and examining your goals and ideals. You will gain experience and can improve the life of not only yourself but also those around you.

Daydreaming is a strong characteristic now and it can be quite pleasant and feel even romantic. It can also manifest itself as artistic inspiration. This time could signify a breakup of a relationships which could be quite hurtful however they have possibly ended for the best as they were probably too idealistic.


The third and final Mercury retrograde of 2020 begins on October 14th at 12° of the water sign Scorpio. Then after two weeks, it returns to Libra, where it began its pre retrograde shadow on September 23rd at 25° of the Venusian ruled Air sign. Also occurring on the 14th, the Sun in Libra opposes Mars in Aries, marking the midpoint of the Mars retrograde phase. This very potent Mars energy longs for clarity, and has a strong desire to succeed. Mercury in this transit provides clarity, and also the realization that we may not have discovered the best solution yet.

The retrograde begins under the looming energy of an opposition to Uranus in Taurus, which occurs exact on October 8th. Mercury will connect with Uranus a second and third time during retrograde, as it moves through the truth-seeking waters of Scorpio, and then back into the balanced Air sign of Libra. These intense connections to the rebel planet Uranus challenge us to broaden our views and tap into the higher Spiritual mind. They also promise to deliver shocking secrets and hidden truths. However, a jolt of reality may not be what is delivered by these lightning bolt revelations. We are all encouraged to slow down and deeply process what is being presented. News we hear may cause confusion and can certainly add to the chaos of our current conditions.

The entire retrograde phase began on September 23rd in the pre-shadow at 25° of Libra. Mercury then stations Retrograde on October 14th at 12° of Scorpio, stations Direct on November 3rd, which coincides with election day in the United States, and will end on November 20th, as it completes the post-shadow phase. Not only does this mean a probable delay in conclusive results of the election until after the 20th, but also all negotiations and agreements in our partnerships are subject to review until after then as well. Mercury is an interpersonal planet so it is important to take time to listen to the deep messages being delivered in regards to our relationships with others. Use this intense time of introspection to review all aspects. This time of pause allows us to diffuse our eager, over reactions and reform them into proper action in the right timing.

If you need help navigating this time, we can help you! Crystal and Athena are now offering a new service called Quantum Leap. This is a MONTH of services to help you dig deep, expand your energy, and your consciousness! You will come out of this with questions to your answers. You will also come out of this as a different person. Those hidden blocks will come up and we will plow through them. Click the image below if you are ready to take the Quantum Leap!


You have another opportunity to join is in SPIRIT MESSAGES WITH ATHENA!! If you are curious about her Spirit Mediumship readings, this is a great way to see how Athena works for less than booking a one on one session. Click the image below for the Event page on Facebook.

* Report by Crystal via AstroMatrix.



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